Tomorrow’s Education Business Model – Which Will Win?

Ednet 3

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of “digital learning,” but what will the future look like for teachers, students and content providers?  With the advent of new curriculum delivery platforms and open source material, will the state adoption process cease to exist? What is the role of tomorrow’s teacher?  As technology companies like Google continue to expand into the education space, will “traditional” content providers take a back seat or acquire new partners?  And most important of all, as a community of education stakeholders, how do we guarantee that any and all changes support student success? Can we finally crack the code of personalized learning to enhance the learning experience and improve outcomes for students at different skill levels?

Tune in below to join Nicole Melander, SVP of Digital Strategy, and edtech colleagues from School Specialty Science, Conceptua Math, Discovery Education, Amplify and itslearning, Inc., as they tackle these key questions and much more during a panel discussion from EdNet 2014.

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