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Exploring EdTech and Connecting with Teachers at ISTE 2019


The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference is always an exciting opportunity to preview the latest innovations in technology designed to improve education outcomes for students nationwide. ISTE 2019 was no exception! More than 16,000 educators gathered to explore the ways in which today’s technology can shape tomorrow.

HMH’s presence at ISTE comes at a time when 80% of teachers agree that technology has empowered them to improve their teaching practice, according to a 2018 survey from HMH in collaboration with YouGov. More than half say they are extremely or very confident in their ability to use edtech in instructionally effective ways.

HMH had a very special year, with four of its edtech programs awarded Tech & Learning’s “Best in Show” designation:

  • Amira
  • MATH 180
  • READ 180
  • Writable

These awards “celebrate those products and services . . . that show the greatest promise according to the country’s most tech-savvy educators,”  Tech & Learning’s writes on its website. We’re honored by the selection of Amira, MATH 180, READ 180, and Writable

Of course, HMH’s primary goal for attending ISTE is to connect with teachers as we work to solve their greatest challenges. We’ve been diligently working on solutions for some of the greatest challenges teachers are faced with in classrooms today, including: 

  • How to accurately assess students in ways that enable teachers to reclaim teaching time
  • How to equip teachers with the right tools for comprehensive intervention for Tier 2–3 students
  • How to provide solutions that maximize teachers’ reach in the general ed classroom

Regarding these challenges, here’s some of the feedback we received at ISTE:

"I didn't even know the technology existed to give this kind of data on student writing." —Teacher, on Writable’s ability to provide actionable reporting to maximize instructional time

“I’m a READ 180 teacher, and the program has really given me a framework for helping my struggling students.” —Teacher, on READ 180’s research-backed and teacher-tested approach to intervention

“It’s pretty incredible that this program (Amira) actually listens to students read instead of using proxy measures.”  —Teacher, on Amira’s ability to accurately assess students quickly and reliably


We’d love to hear from you! Did you visit our booth at ISTE? Do you have a challenge that we can address?

Looking forward to ISTE 2020 in Anaheim, California!

You can learn more about our award-winning programs by following the links below:

  • Amira Assessment: Oral Reading Fluency Assessment and Dyslexia Screener for Emerging Readers
  • MATH 180: Comprehensive Math Intervention for Grades 5–12
  • READ 180: Comprehensive Reading Intervention for Grades 4–12
  • Writable: Purposeful Writing and Revising Practice for Grades 3–12

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