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Activities & Lessons

Kindergarten Daily Reading Activities: Animals

4 Min Read
Animals Hide

Welcome to Amazing Animals. We'll provide five days of reading lessons designed to engage your child in an exploration of the animal world. Check back every day for the new day's lesson.

Day 1 Activity

Let’s Watch: Hidden Animals

Watch the video Hidden Animals to learn more about animals and camouflage.

Discuss the Video

How do animals’ special patterns keep them safe? What kind of special pattern would you like to have?

Let’s Read: Animals Hide

Sometimes it's hard to see animals in nature. That's because their colors are just like where they hide!

Download Animals Hide

Take it Further

Choose an activity to extend the fun.

Project: Make Stick Animals

  • Draw a small picture of each animal from the text.
  • Color the animals the same color that you see in the text.
  • Cut out each picture and glue it to a craft stick.
  • Walk around your home (or go outdoors) and find ways to help your animal hide using its color.

Vocabulary & Language: Use Color Words

  • Make a list of all the different colors you have seen in animals.
  • Find pictures of animals online or in magazines. Cut out the pictures and glue them to paper.
  • Under each picture, write or dictate a sentence about the animal using a color word.
  • Share your picture.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Day 2 Activity

Let’s Reread: Animals Hide

Sometimes it's hard to see animals in nature. That's because their colors are just like where they hide!

Download Animals Hide

Take It Further

Choose an activity to extend the fun.

Response Writing: Write about Hiding

  • Write down the color(s) you are wearing today.
  • Think about how each animal in the text hid from danger. Now, think of a way you might hide, either in your home or out in nature.
  • Draw a picture of you hiding. Use this sentence frame: This is ________. Can you see ________?
  • Share your picture and sentences.

Research Connection: Learn about Lions

  • Search online or in nonfiction books for information about lions.
  • Write or dictate one thing you learned about lions. Use this sentence frame: I learned that lions ________.
  • Draw a picture to go with your sentence.
  • Share your picture and sentence.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Day 3

Let’s Watch: Live Like an Animal!

Watch the video Live Like An Animal! to learn what it’s like to eat, drink, and put on sunscreen like an elephant.

Discuss the Video

How else can you move like an elephant? Try acting out eating and drinking like a different animal.

Let’s Read: Animals Go Home

Read to find out where some animals go when they go home.

Download Animals Go Home

Take it Further

Choose an activity to extend the fun.

Project: Make a Creepy Spider

  • Glue black and white construction paper back to back. Cut out a spider’s body and legs.
  • Glue eight legs to the spider. Draw eyes on the side showing white paper.
  • On the white side of the spider, write eight facts about spiders on the eight legs.

Response Writing: Write about Going Home

  • Think about how you travel to get home. Draw a picture of yourself going home.
  • Using action words such as skip, run, or ride, write or dictate to complete this sentence: I ________ home because ________, or I like to ________ home.
  • Share your picture and sentences.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Day 4 Activity

Let’s Reread: Animals Go Home

Read to find out where some animals go when they go home.

Download Animals Go Home

Take it Further

Choose an activity to extend the fun.

Research Connection: Use Text Evidence

  • Use your hands to act out the way each animal gets home. Then, make a list to show what you learned.
  • Draw an animal you like and how it gets home.
  • Write or dictate to complete this sentence: My animal will ________ home.
  • Share the drawing and sentence.

Hands-On Activity: Make an Animal

  • Use clay or recycled materials to create an animal from the text.
  • Complete this sentence: My animal has ________.
  • Share your animal and sentence.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Day 5 Activity

Let’s Review

This week you've learned about amazing animals. Read a story about fox cubs. Then, make an animal trading card to share facts about an amazing animal. Use the books you read this week to help you!

Let’s Read: Fox Cubs

Read about a red fox that lives in the woods with her cubs.

Download Fox Cubs

Take it Further

Extend the fun with an activity.

Hands-On Activity: Make an Animal Trading Card

Family Support

Play animal charades. Have children pretend to be an animal that they read about this week. Encourage them to think about how the animal would move, eat, and sleep. Guess which animal they are.

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