
Student Check-In/ Check-Out Sheets

7 Min Read
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Many educators can attest to how daily or weekly check-ins with students, that is, taking time for a dialogue between a student and educator, improve classroom behavior. These sorts of check-ins can improve non-cognitive skills in children, such as self-efficacy and resiliency. 

Weekly or daily student check-ins don’t require much prep. In fact, you can have pre-made daily or weekly check-in sheets ready to go before each meetup. Student check-in sheets also help students stay organized and on track with their schoolwork. This type of regular support also helps students develop good studying habits while tracking student concerns and progress. Want to know more? Read on to learn all about implementing student daily or weekly check-ins. 

6 Advantages of Daily or Weekly Student Check-In Sheets

Wondering if daily or weekly check-ins are worth your time? Here are some of the benefits of student check-in/ check-out sheets:

1. They identify areas where students may need additional help or support.

Student check-in sheets can be especially handy for identifying areas where students may need additional support. By discussing attendance, behaviors, and academic participation, teachers can quickly spot patterns that could indicate a need for further help. In some cases, students need extra assistance with the material covered in class. In other cases, they may be struggling with personal or social issues affecting their ability to succeed in school. Either way, student check-in sheets can provide valuable insights into where students excel and where they need an extra nudge.

2. They help students learn to be more responsible and accountable for their own work.

Behavior check-in sheets promote responsibility by giving students a sense of ownership over their learning. When students are included in a dialogue with an educator, they feel valued, leading to a desire to monitor their own progress and make sure they are on track. Ultimately, student check-in sheets help promote responsibility by providing a system where students are held accountable for their own learning and behavior and included in the goal-setting process.

3. They facilitate healthy communication between students and teachers.

Student check-in sheets facilitate healthy communication between teachers and students by providing a safe space for conversations. In addition, by providing a designated space for students to indicate whether they experience any difficulties or need any assistance, check-in sheets create a system of support and bridge communication between students, teachers, and parents or guardians. 

4. They serve as a behavior management tool.

Check-in sheets for students can also be used as a behavior management tool in conjunction with a behavioral contract. These strategies help teachers in identifying and addressing any issues early on. Additionally, when students are part of their own behavioral goals, they are often more likely to behave well in class. Checking in with students every day or weekly also allows teachers to provide positive reinforcement for good behavior and offer help when needed, resulting in appropriate tiered interventions.

5. They’re easy to modify and adapt as needed.

There are many ways to make student check-in sheets easy to modify and adapt. One way is to use a computer program or online tool to customize the sheet to your preference. Another way is to use a standard check-in/ check-out template and fill in the information for each student as needed. You can even create your own check-in sheet from scratch, using whatever format you prefer. Whichever method you choose, the important thing is that you take time to make it work for you and your students.

6. They take less time than other assessment methods.

As an educator, you’re busy! That’s why it’s a good thing that student check-ins only take 5–15 minutes of your time. Plus, you don’t have to grade them. It’s even possible to hand out a class-wide check-in and then discuss the results as a class later. Talk about a time saver!

The Components of a Great Student Check-In Sheet

Student check-in forms will vary depending on the individual student and their needs, as well as your school year objectives. However, it’s useful to consider these general tips for creating a great check-in sheet:

1. Tailor it to individual needs.

Make sure you tailor your check-in sheets to each student’s needs and goals. You can do this by referring to your tiered plans and schoolwide/classroom goals. You can also customize student check-in sheets as needed. 

2. Make it visually pleasing.

This may seem unimportant, but make sure the check-in sheet is easy to use and visually pleasing so that the student will be more likely to use it regularly. Consider printing sheets in color or adding images for added flair.

3. Combine behavioral and academic student check-ins in one.

Instead of dishing out multiple student check-in sheets catering to multiple domains, use a convenient student check-in template that combines behavioral, social, and academic topics. This cuts down on time for both students and educators, increases convenience, and reduces paperwork.

4. Include space for both educator and student input.

Remember that student check-ins are a great opportunity for communication between adults and students. It shouldn’t be a one-sided process. That’s why it’s essential to provide space in your check-in sheets for student and educator feedback. It helps to think of these sheets as more of a discussion than a survey. 

Steps to Building Your Student Daily or Weekly Check-In Sheet

Try these 7 steps to building your student’s daily or weekly check-in process.

1. Decide what you want to track for each student. 

This depends on what information you need and what you want to track for each student, as well as the schoolwide goals you’re pursuing. However, here are a few general goals to get you started:

  • Attendance
  • Homework completion
  • Class participation
  • Group work
  • Class prep
  • Organization
  • Notebook checks
  • Peer interactions

2. Create or modify a template for your check-in sheet.

You may choose to create your own student daily or weekly check-in sheets, modify a current student check-in/ check-out template, or use a premade student check-in sheet. Each option has its pros and cons, so evaluate which route you’ll take before conducting your check-ins.

3. Print the check-in sheet.

Once you have your student check-in ready to go, print out enough copies (and extras) for all attendees. 

4. Schedule the check-in.

Schedule your student check-in with the student(s), and remind them about it before conducting the check-in. This gives all of you the mental space to prepare. 

5. Introduce the purpose of the check-in.

Before the check-in, establish the purpose for conducting it, which should help to explain how it will take place and what your expectations are.

6. Hand out check-in sheet for the student(s) to fill out.

After preparing students for the check-in sheets, hand them out for the student(s) to complete.

7. Gather and file completed check-in sheets.

Gather the completed check-in sheets and file them in a safe place to review later. It’s also recommended that you save digital copies for your records, if feasible.

8. Reflect with the student after.

It’s common for educators to skip this step, but it is essential. Reserve time to reflect with students after they complete the check-in. This offers the student time to bring up any questions, comments, or concerns moving forward.  

9. Review the results and use them to plan for the future.

Student daily or weekly check-in sheets provide educators with highly useful data for future planning. Here are some ways to use the student check-in data:

  • Create schoolwide initiatives and goals.
  • Identify strengths and challenges that you can address moving forward.
  • Use student voices to influence your curriculum.
  • Implement more teaching strategies that students find beneficial.
  • Create tiered plans based on the students’ check-ins and needs.
  • Create progress reports after each check-in.
  • Spread awareness of issues and strengths in each classroom environment.
  • Communicate with family members, administration, and teachers with common check-in results.


Check-in/ check-out sheets can be a lifesaver for students, families, and teachers. They provide an easy way to track progress and stay organized. Plus, daily or weekly check-in sheets build accountability with your students and help you connect with the students’ families. So, if you haven’t already started using check-in sheets in your classroom, now is the time!

This article was adapted from a blog post initially developed by the education technology company Classcraft, which was acquired by HMH in 2023. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.


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