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and shaping the future of education.* 

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July Drummon Instructional Leaders Final

Instructional change agents who walk into a classroom can effectively coach a teacher in increasing academic discussion if they know great strategies and build a relationship.

Adam Drummond, EdD
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools and Author, Instructional Leadership

July Eric Coaching Leaders Final

Leaders need consistent support and feedback on all aspects of the position, but the most emphasis should be placed on issues related to instructional leadership.

Eric Sheninger
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Aspire Change EDU; Keynote Speaker; Author

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What is proactive vs. reactive classroom management? Learn the difference, and explore practical examples.

Melissa Williams
Shaped Contributor

The History of Personalized Learning

Learn more about the history of personalized learning. From its early days in the Victorian era, we have seen personalized learning evolve and grow to its present state.

Casey Brown
Shaped Contributor

Simon Msc

The unshakeable optimist sat down with HMH to discuss his career and perspectives on mindset—and how they tie into K-12 education.

Joanna Miral
Shaped Staff

July Differentiated Instruction 1

Writing conferences are one-to-one conversations and give teachers a crucial opportunity to meet each student’s individual needs.

Carl Anderson
Author and Literacy Consultant


An attendee at the 2019 International Society for Technology in Education conference shares the lessons she learned from a World Languages education lens.

Kerry Santoro
Shaped Contributor


A social-emotional learning expert explores effective methods to improve SEL in schools and the challenges educators may face in the process.

Joanna Miral
Shaped Staff

June Summer Checklist 1

Close out the school year with reflection and a personal summer to-do list that will help you unwind and take time for professional learning.

Noelle Morris
Senior Director Community Engagement, HMH; Host of HMH Learning Moments: Teachers in America Podcast

June Leadership Equity

Educational equity was a core topic of discussion for HMH CEO Jack Lynch and a panel of K-12 thought leaders at the 2019 ASU GSV Summit.

John "Jack" Lynch
President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director, HMH


MSC 2019 was full of informative keynotes as well as opportunities to meet and speak with other educators and listen to school transformation stories.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

June Model Schools 4

You're probably still energized and excited from MSC 2019. This avid attendee answers the important question of where to go from here.

Kelly Boeing
Assistant Principal, Lucerne Valley Middle High School

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Congratulations to our very own Eric Sheninger, an ICLE Senior Fellow, who made EdTech magazine's list of 30 Must-Read K-12 Education IT Influencers.

Shaped Staff

May Listening 4

It's time for more educators to start focusing on teaching listening and speaking skills in the language arts classroom, one expert writes.

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

San Benito3

The rigor levels of student learning were lower than what this school was striving for, so they addressed the issue in part by infusing purposeful technology into the curriculum.

Dr. Nate Carman
Superintendent, San Benito CISD

June Linda Wayman 3

After 32 years in public schools, Linda Cliatt-Wayman now uses her voice and skills to advocate full time for justice in education for children in poverty.

Shaped Staff

students engaged in class

Learn how to engage students in active learning. Creating a space where teachers can engage students in active learning is the goal of every educator.

Edward Matthews
Shaped Contributor

Adam Drummond How Leaders Can Serve As Instructional Change Agents 2 4C284B73B1B0834026B992B9Ac93D6Bd

Use this downloadable resource to assess your school's culture, instructional planning, learner engagement, and community partnerships.

Adam Drummond, EdD
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools and Author, Instructional Leadership

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.