Responsibility Acceptance

Sound, professional use of educational and psychological tests means that all test users must:

  1. Maintain the security of testing materials before and after testing.
  2. Avoid labeling students based on a single test score.
  3. Adhere strictly to the copyright law and under no circumstances photocopy or otherwise reproduce answer forms, test books, or manuals.
  4. Administer, score, interpret, and use tests exactly as specified in the manual.
  5. Release results only to authorized persons and in a form in keeping with accepted principles of test interpretation.

I certify to HMH that I am qualified to properly administer, score, and interpret the test materials I seek to purchase and provided HMH with true and accurate qualification information. HMH Assessment products purchased under my account will only be used by me and/or under my supervision. I assume full responsibility for the proper use of the testing material I order from HMH Education Company including use in accordance with all applicable legal and ethical guidelines. My response indicates acceptance of and compliance with the above principles and that I have read the qualification criteria and will apply all terms and conditions to all orders.